Manage Your Mornings

So, you made it through the first few days of school…just barely. If you’ve discovered some room for improvement during those busy mornings rushing to get the kids to school on time, keep reading.

Uniforms or not, make getting dressed and out the door more enjoyable, with these simple tips. Plus, we’re sharing how to get and stay organized so your kids understand the systems and how to use it during the busy mornings. We can’t, however get your kids to put there shoes on any faster, if we could we wouldn’t be organizing hahaha!

✨ Label baskets for school accessories like socks, belts, and hair ties and place them in easy to reach places. These last-minute grabs before leaving the house always seem to take the longest!

✨ Have a specific section in their closet for school-appropriate clothing. This could include basics and uniforms, while excluding items like cropped tops, cut-off shorts, or dress code violators.

✨ Pick our tomorrows outfit the night before and have all items hung together or placed together to avoid the morning guessing game (or mismatched outfits)

✨ Pack lunches the night before (yes easier said than done) but once you get in the habit of doing it, having those few extra minutes in the morning is helpful.

✨ Put an extra set of toothbrushes in your downstairs bathroom (or closest bathroom to the getting the kids out of the house) so kids can do a quick brush before leaving the house.

Need more ideas or organization help? We’re here for you. If you need more help or have questions, feel free to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with us. Happy organizing!


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