Get Your Kids Organized This Summer

Summer is just a week away! With kids at home, travel plans and various summer camps thrown into the mix, we are here to help your little’s find systems to stay organized all summer long. Consider these steps to get you closer to that summertime calm AND also help your kids feel more independent! The goal is to set everyone up for success in the household.

  1. Edit clothing with holes, stains, or items that no longer fit // If your child wears a uniform to school make note of the items you need to replace for the next school year and donate the grown-out of pieces to a fellow school member! 

  2. Implement a new system // Charts, whiteboards, or lists of “to-do’s”  help with routine. Add items like family pets, making their beds each morning or putting away items left on the stairs.

  3. Create a swim basket // Designate a bin or basket in your kids closets filled with swimwear, so they can get themselves ready for the beach or pool. Also keep a pre-packed wet bag filled with sunscreen, goggles and snacks handy so packing up for the beach is easy and stress free!

  4. Add hooks // By adding hooks to the back of your kids room or bathroom doors, helps keep daily used items off the floor. Hang towels or beach bags and backpacks to the hooks so your kids know exactly where to find and (put away) their beach or camp accessories.

  5. Create a F*it Basket // Anyone find an excess amount of books, clothes and toys around the house after a day at home? If you don’t have time to put it all away at once, create a basket or two to contain all the clutter in one spot to give your house the “picked up feel”. Then when you do have the time, grab the basket and put everything away in its proper home!

  6. No plans for the day? // Create an activities cart full of art supplies, workbooks and a few games to a special area of the house. Set a timer/time of day that is designated for that cart. Trust us, they will be excited to have a new dedicated area for them and make sure to swap out the activities to keep the kids interested.

  7. Snack time // On the slower summer days, let your kids make their own snacks. Add a cutting board and non-serrated knife to a low kitchen drawer to cut bananas or other soft food items. They’ll love the independence and it will help you from feeling like a full-time chef!

Happy Summer

xx Teresa

Need more ideas or organization help? We’re here for you. If you need more help or have questions, feel free to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with us. Happy organizing!


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