To Keep or to Donate?

 How do you decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to toss? Here are our tips for making sure your most loved items stay in rotation and how to easily part with items that no longer serve you.

Oftentimes we hold emotional attachments to our belongings – whether they are clothes, household items or family heirlooms – our things hold memories. We’re breaking down our rules for letting go and creating a more streamlined curated life.

// Evaluate the last time you used or noticed that item. If you can’t picture where it should belong it’s best to donate or trash. The more you practice editing, the easier it will be! The goal isn’t to just empty space, it’s to create a sense of calm and purpose in your home.

// Could someone else benefit from an item you haven’t worn in years? We are all guilty of holding onto clothing we no longer need. By donating these items you are not only decluttering your space, you are als recycling and giving new life allowing it to be loved again by someone else! Try donating to a shelter, church, or even a friend.

// Ask, "What do I want to keep?" rather than "What do I want to get rid of?" It’s easier to keep items you love and use and make you happy! If you see an item in a pile of clutter and it doesn’t serve a purpose then the best choice is to just get rid of it!

// The more you do it, the better it feels. Routine serves a great purpose, and the more you edit the lighter you and your home will feel. After the first few items are purged you might be surprised at how easy it becomes.

//Mementos Use weathertight bins separated by family members to store old art, pictures, yearbooks, and “firsts.” When labeled and stored it’s far easier to keep track of these items rather than have them in various parts of the home. You’ll likely find yourself (and your kids!) helping your store their momentos when they are in one (easy to find) place.

//Clothing When was the last time you wore it, and would you buy that item at full price today? If this is a second or third-round “look” that was previously kept and still unworn, then it’s definitely time to let it go!

//Garage Outgrown sporting equipment, expired sunscreen, and punctured balls are all a go. Using wall hooks for sports bags and bins for balls will also clear that space even more!

//Household Items like disposable utensils, bulk cleaning supplies, and paper products can stay organized in their respective places. However, for items like old towels, discolored pillows, or multiple kitchen items (do you need 5 vegetable peelers?) it’s time to let go. When it’s time to make the decision to edit it’s always best to consider what you actually need and use.

Still need a little boost? We’re here for you. If you need more help or have questions, feel free to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with us. Happy organizing!

xx Teresa


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