Step by Step - Kids Room Organization

Read about our step by step process on how to organize your kids’ closets and rooms, plus some inspirational before and after photos!

Do you have multiple kids, each with a small closet? I find that most of my clients do, including me….of us do. Therefore here is our step by step guide to set up their closets and rooms in the most useful way so your kids can grow into their closet as their needs and as clothing sizes change.

Ww recently had a client come to us as she was not happy with her kids’ drawers being overstuffed with clothes and the toys inundating their rooms with no real storage options. There was a need for some organizational systems to be put into place so the kids’ rooms could be better utilized for both clothes and toys, creating a clean but also fun and creative space.

The goals for this project were to make the closet space more functional as well as to create a space the kids could grow into. The must haves were to create more toy storage in the room, plus utilize the closet hanging and drawer space in an organized way that could be maintained no matter who was putting the clothes away!

FIRST - I look at the current space and where the biggest changes can be made. I then measure all drawers and shelves before curating and purchasing supplies to make sure everything fits perfectly and maximizes that space.

THEN - the day of the project, we pull EVERYTHING out of the space – yes EVERYTHING. It's best to start any organization project with a clean slate. I then sort items into smaller categories, like tops, pants, socks, etc.

NEXT - we organize everything back into the space creating zones that make sense for the clients’ needs and wants. For example, since this closet is for a young boy we like to hang day to day items on the lowest rod to create independence and self dressing. The same goes for drawers. We like to put everyday items in drawers that are at eye level or below, file folding clothes by color so the child can see exactly what they have.

FINALLY - style the space with your kids favorite toys on display, or their favorite books on the nightstand. Or add hooks to the closet door so they can hang that sweatshirt they wear everyday. This is the fun part, and the best part is seeing those kids’ faces in their newly organized rooms.

TIPS + SHOPPING - we always suggest sorting clothing by category, type and then by color which helps kids in learning their colors and how to maintain the organization. Plus labeling closet baskets and the interior of drawers is another must have for kids rooms. When everyone knows where to find and put away items, it makes for easier organization maintenance.

We also swear by zippered vinyl mesh pouches for storing smaller toys, doll accessories, games and puzzles. Label each pouch and store in a basket for ultimate space saving toy organization. 

And lastly we love color coding books by the rainbow not just for looks, but to help kids learn how to put items back by color.



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