Family Organization, By Age // Summer Edition

Chores tend to fall by the wayside when the kids are home during the summer We’ve come up with some ways to make organization a fun, family affair by involving your kiddos in age appropriate tasks that keep the home organized all summer long.


Sorting Game - Ask your kids to sort their toys into different categories such as colors, shapes, or types. You can turn it into a race and see who finishes first.

Matching Socks - Make a game out of finding and matching socks from the laundry. Turn it into a competition to see who can find the most matches within a certain time limit.

Cleaning Treasure Hunt - Hide small objects around the house and have your kids find them and place them in their designated spots. Provide clues to make it more challenging and exciting.


Room Redesign - Encourage your kids to rearrange their rooms or a designated areas. Let them use their creativity to come up with new layouts while considering organization and functionality.

Donation Drive - Involve your children in decluttering their belongings. Ask them to fill a box with items they no longer use or need. Take it a step further by donating those items to a local charity or organizing a garage sale with their help.

Pre + Post Dinner Help - Designate a day of the week to each of your kids. When its their day have the set the table before dinner and clear all the dishes after dinner. If they complete both tasks allow them an extra dessert as a reward :)


Meal Planning - Assign a day for each family member to plan and prepare a meal. Encourage them to create a shopping list, organize ingredients, and cook the meal with minimal assistance.

Closet Fashion Show - Have a "fashion show" where your teenagers go through their closets and create new outfits using the clothes they already have. It's a fun way to encourage organization and creativity in their personal style.

Family Event Planner - Let your teenagers take charge of organizing a family outing or event. They can handle tasks such as researching and booking tickets, creating an itinerary, and coordinating with other family members. Support them with guidance and suggestions as needed.

Remember…the key is to make these tasks fun but also productive for you, while creating a sense of independence for your kids. The goal is to have your kids help around the house creating organization and order while they’re home this summer.

Need a little help getting these systems set up before you bring the family in? Click here to book your consultation today! 

xx Teresa

Plus, what we’re loving this month

Still have questions? We’re here for you. If you need more help or have questions, feel free to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with us. Happy organizing! We are always here to help!


End of Summer Style Refresh


How to Stay Organized… Once We Leave